Monday, June 22, 2009

The Beginning

Originally uploaded by tjkmfk
At first Abe spends a lot of time at the library studying how to make plants grow and how to catch the best fish. He also meets a couple of available women there, but no one really seems to be the one.

Mostly he just spends his time with his plants.
What's this? he's found someone who likes to talk about plants?

One day while he's out and about looking for rare and wonderful seeds, he passes by city hall where there is a protest underway… he talks to several people but no one tells him why they are protesting jelly fish.

Finally he's earned enough money to invest in some fishing books, he spends his evenings slowly increasing his knowledge of lures and baits.

This is Elaine Joy, she is the one Abe has set his cap on….but there's a problem. She has a boyfriend. Abe sees it as a sign that after dating 3 years Elaine and Larry aren't married and pursues her. He loves her home and even helps her harvest her crops. That's right Elaine is a farmer too.

One thing leads to another and Elaine is expecting Abe's baby. Finally she's ready to end things with Larry and become Mrs. Abraham Inglewood. She just has to break up with Larry first.
Larry is not too happy to see her go.
That evening Abe drops to one knee and proposes to his beloved. She happily agrees and plans their wedding party. As fate would have it, she goes into labor the night before the wedding and has to be rushed to the hospital.

Here she is Miss Bertha Jean Inglewood. What a doll.

Elaine insists on going on with the wedding and as a friend strums on a guitar, Elaine and Abe exchange their vows. Such a happy moment ….

For most anyway….who invited Larry? Looks like the musician is telling Larry he has bad breath.

Life goes forward at the Inglewood Farm and soon Bertha Jean is ready to head off to school and looks like Elaine is expecting again.

Sure enough she goes into labor and gives birth right out in the fields.

Here's Brandon James in his favorite place--the fields. Looks like he'll fit right in with the farmer's family.


  1. Hehe. Well, sometimes you have to take your happiness when it falls into your lap. If that means stealing a woman away from a guy who doesn't know how good he has it, then so be it! *muahahahhahahaaa*

  2. You're doing lots of fun stuff with Sims 3 it seems! This family and your horndog guy are both fun, ha ha!

  3. I'd call him a homewrecker but they were only dating so meh. such is life eh? hehe
    grats on the kids and the successes you're having.
    did they move in to her place?
